About the Author

This is a temporary place marker until Paul sees fit to write something about himself.

For now, take a look at his Wikipedia page.

8 thoughts on “About the Author”

  1. Just happened to come across River in the Desert in the library. Had no reason to read about Egypt, but was intrigued. I thoroughly enjoyed this book – top notch writing. I’m ready to head to Egypt now. And read the rest of Mr. Robert’s works.

  2. Calvin Clarence said:

    The Word Hoard flows unimpeded by Time or Age!

  3. Felicity Arbuthnot said:

    Whenever I despair over Iraq (which is about twenty four hours of every day since 2003) I return to your words, excerpted here from a piece I did on the 2nd anniversary of the invasion. It has been stolen by me many times and never ceases to bring tears to my eyes and hope to my heart. May you to ever “spread golden wings ..”

    ‘But for all the horrors, illegality, destruction, shame on the invaders and collective shame shared by so many, there is something Iraq will never lose as expressed hauntingly by Paul William Roberts. i. In Baghdad, he writes, he sees

    ” …. the old people with resignation stamped across their foreheads, who can’t go on yet will go on; the young married couples who still hope for a better life yet don’t hope too hard lest it break their hearts, the countless unremembered acts of kindness and of love that fill desolate days, and I realize I would far prefer to be here than in any house where this war is justified. For it cannot be justified.

    “But this region has always led to somewhere worth going. Baghdad is just as glorious in its ruin as it was in its glory, for something noble crawls from the rubble to spread golden wings in the light of dawn. The Gate of God opens wider.”

    Warmest wishes,

    felicity a.

    Wonder what you feel about Blair being given this year’s mega Award by Save the Children? Posthumous one to Pol Pot 2015, Vlad the Impailer, Ivan the Terrible?

  4. Prem Amrit said:

    Dear PWR,

    Just read Empire of the Soul.

    I understood everything in the whole except a line in the last page of Chapter 12, when you feel the divinity [of Baba] and begin to weep and say that you believed Baba. <>

    What I don’t understand is: Who is ‘this bastard” you were referring to? From the text, it seems to refer to Baba.

    If it is so, don’t you think you will have to remove everything in the book that relates to Baba in the next edition of the book?

    Love and light,

    Prem Amrit

  5. Ann Moore said:

    Just finished reading Journey of the Magi and was horrified to see on this morning’s news here in Australia that ISIS has laid mines and bombs in Palmyra. I loved your “travelogue” , the characters you met and the descriptions of places that in some cases are probably no longer with us given the wars that have raged across that part of the world since you were there. Your mention of the Cathars was particularly interesting to me … next week I am heading to the Languedoc to spend time walking through Cathar country.

    Some of the concepts you put forward went over my head and I got a little confused (my problem, not yours!) and I would have loved a map at the beginning so that I could see where you were taking us.

    Also loved your Leonard Cohen quote at the beginning about there being a crack in everything to let the light in. How perfect! One of my favourite songs from Mr Cohen.

    Although I live in Australia I was born in Conwy in North Wales so diolch yn fawr for a wonderful book that not only entertained me but also challenged my thinking and opened my mind to many possibilities … and Truth.

    Very best wishes

  6. Two years ago I saw a copy of Empire of the Soul on display in the window of a book store in Amedabad’s new airport. I was passing through there on my way to Goa, having come down from Jaiselmer, and was tempted to buy it and read it once again but having done so just before leaving Canada it was still fresh in my memory. It is one of the best books about India and I seem to re-read it every time I happen to pick it up. I was pleased to see that India has found your book although I suspect it may have been a counterfeit copy. Very happy to see you are writing again. I once purchased an Iraqi dagger with a crystal handle from you. Peace and happiness. Namaste

  7. Hi Paul, You and I emailed 1999-2002 when you were in Iraq. You told me to contact Harper’s for you, I was in San Francisco but managed to catch you at a rare point when had internet access. And there was a lady who was a big fan of yours that we were also emailing with and she got you some funds at one point so you could get out as things were getting a bit too dangerous. We lost touch when you got back. Over the years I’ve wondered how you were. I’m so glad to find your blog. There was this one cryptic message you sent me in one of our last emails which eventually set me off on a quest through Les Baux and beyond. You told me “it was all about bauxite.” I don’t know if you remember me, or all this. I saw Graham Hancock in November and we were praising your writing, insights and wit. If your ears were ringing, now you know why. – Lisa

  8. David Leong said:

    I just read Journey of the Magi. Loved it!! Thank you.

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